Moniteur UN Watch Canada

Donate Now To UN Watch Canada!
Donate Now To UN Watch Canada!

About UN Watch Canada, registered as a Charitable Organization with the Canada Revenue Agency, is dedicated to promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms and the balanced principles of the United Nations Charter. UN Watch Canada achieves its mission by monitoring the deliberations, decisions, and activities of the United Nations with regard to the promotion of human rights, and to appearing and delivering testimony before the United Nations and other international, national and regional bodies.


You can help make a difference for justice at the U.N. by making a contribution today to UN Watch Canada. We are a recognized charitable organization and a Canadian tax receipt will be issued to you.

  • By Cheque made out to “UN Watch Canada":
    Send to:
    Moniteur UN Watch Canada

    PO Box 54007 Lawrence Plaza PO
    Toronto, ON M6A 3B7

  • By Wire Transfer:
    Account #5468977
    Toronto Dominion (TD) branch 1020

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